Wednesday, February 11, 2009

/b/efore I get sucked in...

While I'm typing this shit, I've just seen how cruel the Internet can be. Recently I chanced upon /b/. If you don't know what /b/ is. Just GTFO and don't read this post(my imaginary reader). A girl by the name of bed***** had become a camwhore for a month. She would tease and chat with a bunch of guys from And after a few hours, she's flash and show off her "goods". She was seeking control, we were lustful. It was a good match, or so it seems.

I've been in her "shows" a few times, probably every time I see her link on /b/. Before you guys call me a horny bastard. Let it be known that she's gorgeous. Probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen online. Girl didn't need to cake her face to look like an angel. She looked like Denise Richard, Van Hudgens and Kristen Kreuk fused into one. A goddess. She had a seriously good body too. The kind that guys would fuck without thinking twice(I know, I'm a guy).

So one day a /b/tard found her myspace, through meticulously scanning through all of her friend's names. Once her myspace was found, he proceeded to spam her friends/boyfriend/mother with all sorts of pictures/screenshots of her showing less than glorifying parts of her body. So today, she found out about those pictures. It was the first time I saw someone cry over the Internet. The horror on her face, the tears that rolled, it was unbelieveable at first. I did not buy it. Why would a girl be upset and still be up on webcam? But the following few minutes unveiled unto me a revelation. FUCK! Anonymity turns people into demons. Oh, and she was bawling, so yeah I knew she was really upset. Ah who wouldn't.

Their reason(s):
1. She asked for it, DUH!- I wouldn't say that posting your tits live on the Internet is the wisest thing one can do, but it isn't a valid reason for trying to ruin her life, or next few weeks.
2. She was boastful, so we punished her.- A girl with her looks has every reason to have the confidence that she possessed(which might have included proudly exclaiming: I can get 1000 people in here to try to get me to strip). Your method of humbling her is inhumane.
3. We are /b/. We have every right to fuck up people's lives.- With morals like that, who needs the law?

While I do admit that some of my sympathy towards her comes from the fact that she's really beautiful, I insist that if this shit happened to a "lesser mortal", I'd have still felt pretty bad for her.

I can only wish her the best and hope that she comes out of this crap stronger. Then again, she's one of those pretty people. Beautiful people always emerge from their little hellholes stronger and better. I just hope that this shit won't follow her for the rest of her life.

And to /b/, God bless your souls... Sigh... Once again humanity fails.