Thursday, August 16, 2007

What were they thinking?

I'm a huge cartoon fan, or at least I used to be one. And as a kid, Saturday mornings meant only one thing. POWER RANGERS! I started watching since season 1. And I can "proudly" say that. I think I have watched at least one episode of every season til date. And I'm in my late teens now, pretty close to being to the age of being chosen as one of the rangers, to be imbued with supernatural strength, and some other "things".

And of course these "things" are of course the things that make me think: Hmm... How could any 20 year old, on drugs or not, think that a single coloured, skin tight body suit, and a plastic helmet look cool. And those transformer things on their arms that help them transform, NOT COOL MAN, NOT COOL! And it seems like every good ranger must have a bike that's decked up with lasers and what not, seems exciting right? But then... they got to design the bike to suit the taste of primary school kids, thus making them look darn bad.

Then comes the big machines, all the Megazords, Ultrazords and Omfhwtfbbqzords... All weird shapes and sizes, dinosaurs, animals. My God... asking me to enter the belly of an ancient robotic dinosaur... What if it eats me!?! They sure have guts man... and they have to do all those silly hand gestures in their in order to make the robots work... think para para in a robot belly... in a leotard and plastic marble shaped helmet. Who in the right frame of mind would sign up, and think it's cool week after week. Maybe that's why they are the Power Rangers and I'm just a kid whining about kids television. Oh well. It's Morphin' Time! *Disappears*

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