Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mating season!

Society has forced us to artifically suppress the urge to mate with every available set of genetalia that might be within reach. The biological imperative (survival of the species) dictates that we should all be doing it with everyone all the time. To use a metaphor: The more widely you sow the seeds, the more likely you are to get at least some sprouts.

If the question is addressing romantic attraction, then I guess it's possible that a male and female could be "just friends." But, where there's a man involved, there is never just romantic attraction. Sexual attraction is the means by which we propagate the species. It's way down in our primordial juices to know that we instinctually need to spread our seed. That's why men, at least, can never just be "friends" with a woman.

How true.

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