Friday, April 25, 2008

War is boring. War is sitting around in the hot sun, waiting for something to happen. It's reading the same letter from your girlfriend over and over again...literally hundreds of times; looking for some new and hidden meaning in her words. It's playing card games that you would never even care about back in the world-but suddenly you can't get enough of. It's learning more about your buddies than you ever cared to know before. It's sitting on guard towers freezing in the night air, staring out into darkness with nothing but a radio and some guy who doesn't want to talk, keeping you company. It's going on missions that last three and four days at a time and not sleeping for any of it. It's constantly questioning the rules of engagement and trying to make sense of it. It's a big empty room where nothing ever happens and you only have carbon copies of yourself to talk to. But every now and then, when you least expect it, you get a lifetime of excitement, chaos, terror, horror, and fear crammed into a few minutes. Your adrenaline rises to levels you've never felt and regardless of what god you pray to (even if you don't pray to one at all) you get religion very quickly. Then it's hard core, balls to the wall, utter insanity for just a few's the sun exploding at the same time that every explosive in the world is's a high speed car crash, it's a base jump from the empire state building, it's running from the cops, it's a fist fight, it's being cornered by all the school bullys at one time, it's terrible and and god awful and horrible and it slows time to a crawl...minutes creep by like days and in that minute or two that you're actually fighting, your entire world changes. And then just as quickly as it all started, it stops. Then for a few minutes you're still on edge. But after a bit, it goes away; as much as it can. Then you're back to playing card games with your buddies. And then you start to realize that the guy who you didn't really care for back in the world, is now one hell of a good guy. And he isn't just a guy you work with anymore, he's your friend. He's your brother. Then you read that letter from your girlfriend know, the one where she's telling you that she just feels like it's too difficult to maintain a relationship with you when you're so far away...the one where she goes on about how the two of you have grown apart and although she never meant to meet someone new; there is a new guy and he's just terrific and they're getting a dog together and his parents are crazy about her and unlike you, he has a good and stable job that doesn't send him to the other side of the world; the letter where she tells you how hard her life is because she's hanging on to you and she doesn't even know if you're coming home. And it almost makes you laugh because it's so ******** absurd that you're sleeping on the ground, drinking purified river water that's so hot it scalds your mouth but if you don't drink it you will dehydrate, and that ***** is telling you how hard her life is... And you start to realize that trivial **** like that just doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot anymore. But you still hang on to that letter anyway. And you still read it, time and time again...searching for some new meaning...until the **** hits the fan again.

Read this from a forum, tragic innit?

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