Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mating season!

Society has forced us to artifically suppress the urge to mate with every available set of genetalia that might be within reach. The biological imperative (survival of the species) dictates that we should all be doing it with everyone all the time. To use a metaphor: The more widely you sow the seeds, the more likely you are to get at least some sprouts.

If the question is addressing romantic attraction, then I guess it's possible that a male and female could be "just friends." But, where there's a man involved, there is never just romantic attraction. Sexual attraction is the means by which we propagate the species. It's way down in our primordial juices to know that we instinctually need to spread our seed. That's why men, at least, can never just be "friends" with a woman.

How true.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Got this from talkbass

Abstract: Maybe what Granny used to say was correct? "Honey, you can't let the girls(originally boys but I changed it) know you like them too much. If you do, they'll dry up like dew on a hot day. Keep a little distance, baby. Makes 'em have to really get to know you. And then you'll know which one you like best!"

How true.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Poor blokes can't afford paying for dates

I haven't been dating in a really long time. In other words, I am rich!

Hahaha. I still don't understand why some girls will want their dates to pay. Seriously, we are kids, and aren't kids supposed to be filial, understand that your parent's money is hard to earn and we should be saving for our future, not squandering on dates that won't even get you laid(Or maybe I'm the only loser around still not getting laid). Some guys starve(I know 'em) just to pay on dates.

Alright let's try calculating the overall cost for an average middle income kid.

He gets $70 a week( I don't even get that much).
He meets his girl once a week and they decide to be thrifty this week.

$5.00(2 plates of chicken rice)
$2.00( Drinks)
$19.00( Hey it's the weekends)
$9.00?(I'm not sure, I haven't bought popcorn in a pretty long time)
$2.00( Roughly two bus trips and two train rides)

That's $35. 50%, not a lot, but when you burn $35(and you know it can be a whole lot more than that) in a day, you're scarred for the rest of the week. WE ARE GROWING BOYS WHO NEED THEIR PROTEINS! I don't know, it's a struggle within as well.

My message is not to encourage guys to be stingy, girls deserve to be loved and all. But when it comes to money, it's sensitive. We aren't earning. It's called an allowance because our parents allow us to spend. It's a balance, that's my conclusion. This li'l essay's fucked up because I'm thinking as I write. So my thoughts are constantly changing.

In conclusion( whoa essay), I feel that as long as you can afford to pay, and not go hungry, or deprived, it's cool. But... Can the girl pay once in a while please? HAHA.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Lovesick Puppy

Well, this is my first time writing a song, wrote it under an hour, with breaks in between to visit youtube and listening to songs for inspiration.

It's called, Lovesick Puppy, it's about a friend who liked a bitch, and the bitch treated him like a dog, so the outcome was a lovesick puppy who couldn't do very much.

I’m just a dot on your map,
I’m not your destination.
But girl I would be oh so glad,
If you would stay here tonight.
It is a fact that will not change,
But I don’t want to lose.

You say that love’s just a game,
Then why can’t I play.
Our conversations are stale,
And I can’t seem to see better days.
Oh God why won’t she just love me too.

We stroll on the summer streets,
There’s no sound but our shuffling feet.
Running more than walking,
You needed to escape from our little hell.
I really need this as emotions consume,
And I’m left with nothing much.

You can’t break my heart,
It melted the first time I met you.

It has not been edited so cut me some slack please.

I have no clue what will become of this song, whether my band will actually want to play something with such corny lyrics, and I haven't thought about the tune yet. But I would like something like a cross between Jack Johnson and Shawn Mullins. Surf country, how about that.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Longer than

Just attended Funeral for a friend's gig, being short and bringing a friend who's female and short as well just weren't the conditions for moshing. So we found ourselves a balcony where we were safe, and could listen to their music clearly.

After two songs, I came to a conclusion that they weren't much of musicians, just really great performers and lyricists. Their songs felt repetitive in terms of how they sounded. You could probably throw the same lyrics into two of their songs and the crowd would still be happy. The bassist held the bottom, but nothing special came out of him, but what was I expecting, they are just a band whose fans are too busy fighting or trying to stay alive instead of enjoying their music. The drummer had standard, but most of the time he was just playing normal straight beats trying to sound loud. The guitarists did not impress me either. Well, the gig was not that all lost I guess, they sounded tight and mistakes were minimal, the sound crew did a really good job at mixing as well. First and the last time.

And that's my story...

My songwriting progress isn't very good either. I'm never in the mood to write songs, but today have decided I should write one just for fun, and I'm stuck a little after the first chorus. Oh well...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What were they thinking?

I'm a huge cartoon fan, or at least I used to be one. And as a kid, Saturday mornings meant only one thing. POWER RANGERS! I started watching since season 1. And I can "proudly" say that. I think I have watched at least one episode of every season til date. And I'm in my late teens now, pretty close to being to the age of being chosen as one of the rangers, to be imbued with supernatural strength, and some other "things".

And of course these "things" are of course the things that make me think: Hmm... How could any 20 year old, on drugs or not, think that a single coloured, skin tight body suit, and a plastic helmet look cool. And those transformer things on their arms that help them transform, NOT COOL MAN, NOT COOL! And it seems like every good ranger must have a bike that's decked up with lasers and what not, seems exciting right? But then... they got to design the bike to suit the taste of primary school kids, thus making them look darn bad.

Then comes the big machines, all the Megazords, Ultrazords and Omfhwtfbbqzords... All weird shapes and sizes, dinosaurs, animals. My God... asking me to enter the belly of an ancient robotic dinosaur... What if it eats me!?! They sure have guts man... and they have to do all those silly hand gestures in their in order to make the robots work... think para para in a robot belly... in a leotard and plastic marble shaped helmet. Who in the right frame of mind would sign up, and think it's cool week after week. Maybe that's why they are the Power Rangers and I'm just a kid whining about kids television. Oh well. It's Morphin' Time! *Disappears*

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Are we that ahead?

Heard this from a documentary about the Vietnam War:

We think that we are civilized and ahead of all the other wild animals we clothe ourselves and educate one another. But we are also the only species that never tire of killing one another and hatred towards each other.

I am not sure how what was really said because I only heard it once and did not pay much attention to it until the end of the sentence.

Got me thinking.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Until Death do us part.

I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.

I (name), take you (name) to be my (husband/wife), my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.

I've decided to write on my biased views about marriage. Well, my folks are having a rough patch right now. Momma's coming home late, which is quite weird since it only started this year. Dad's gotten himself a dose of paranoia. Heck, when your spouse comes home after midnight regularly, you start wondering about stuff. I don't blame dad one bit. Quarrels are regular. I'm getting pissed off about their childish behavior.

From a random website:

When couples marry today, there’s only a 50-50 chance the marriage will endure. Divorce rates remain near their all-time highs. Depending whose statistics you choose to believe, as many as 70% of marriages will experience "cheating" one or more times during their existence. Nearly a third of all children under 18 live in single-parent households. Nearly 8 million of these children live with single parents who have never been married. The social support network formerly provided by the extended family has virtually disappeared from contemporary life.

So obviously, "Until death do us part" is a hoax. And trust is constantly being betrayed. I'm just speechless about the figures. Do people even mean what they say? 70% experiencing cheating. Man if you want to sleep around, isn't staying single just so much more manageable? Especially after you have kids, aren't you just irresponsible to not provide your children(your children, not your neighbours or your friend's) with a wholesome childhood?

I'm stumped. The facts are just depressing. Wonder what they are thinking of when they say those vows. Not having to clean up after themselves anymore? Or the free condomless sex? OH OH! It must be having a free cab, 24/7.

Marriage used to be such a wonderful lifetime thing.

When I was young, I always had this image in my mind. 60 years from now. My wife, me. Benches. Beautiful lake. Feeding bread to ducklings. Hmm, if this worsens. How about, me working my ass off paying for my ex wife's extravagant lifestyle after our divorce.

Should I even bother getting married?

Sing it out loud!

The love song:
We all love each other,
We all love each other
We are called love.

A big carabao came down the mountain,
long long ago.
Long long ago-O-o-O-O.

Good times. Just can't believe that was 5 years ago. Time flies.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I hate to say this, BUT I TOLD YOU SO!

You guessed it! I predicted correctly! People are truly selfish. If you watched news, you would have noticed that the Wembley Stadium in the UK was totally covered with plastic cups and plastic this and plastic that. Seems to me like they have learnt NOTHING from the entire gig. Ironic huh? Seems like they have done more harm than good. Alright, let us pray that Al Gore is one heck of a "persuationist" and can persuade the corporate firms that global warming's got to stop. But then again, he could not even convert the Americans ,who eventually voted for Dubya, who has yet to capture Osama Bin Laden , pissed off the world with his Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.) campaign, he STILL hasn't found those damned Weapons of Mass Destruction, and he nearly choked to death on a mere pretzel. He even succeeded in putting The United States in a huge debt(got the whole thing from so please do not sue me) so i guess we got to pray a whole lot harder.

I got to admit I'm struggling to be a tree hugger and all, but this is just disgraceful! Pollution(electricity waste) and more pollution(litter). I'm no longer proud to be a human. May God save us all.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Let's all attend a hippy concert!

I'm listening to The Beatles' "All you need is love"(apparently it is a hippy anthem and I can see why) as I think about tomorrow's LiveEarth concert. Alright I'm typing this 3 in the morning so most of this won't really make sense.

Seriously, what better way to reverse the process of global warming, than to have 9 mega concerts in the span of a day? Applause please.

Oh, I'm so fucking sure it doesn't use up electricity(which coincidentally produces quite a heck lot of carbon dioxide), noise pollution, and litter. These new age hippies and the celebrities that they whoreship believe that a concert can teach people to reduce, reuse and recycle. Who are you trying to kid? If these celebrities really care about the environment. Why don't they turn off their porch lights in their multi-million dollar mansions at night? Or sharing a bus with the public when on tour instead of taking that fancy private jet? What do they know about global warming, they sleep in air conditioned rooms for fuck's sake.

I'm not saying that they are hypocrites, most of them have good intentions. But let's face it, we are all selfish and self righteous. Whatever we learn during the concerts will be forgotten within weeks, and life will return to "normal". Recycle? Nah, it's easier to throw them into the normal bin(selfish, well at least I'm not littering(self righteous).

And of course, it's so easy to say that the celebrities are doing it for the environment, but have anyone thought of the potential fame and fortune from album sales and endorsements that they are going to receive thanks to their new "I <3 Earth" image? You can say that I am being a pessimist, but do think about it. Doesn't it all make sense?

This LiveEarth concert is a old concept, go back to Woodstock in 69(Jimi Hendrix) when all the hippy bands and their followers wanted to screw corporate globalization , reduce global pollution, chill out and smoke weed. Guess what? The corporations are still controlling us like puppets! YAY! This LiveEarth is doing the exact same thing. Instead of not getting a job and smoke weed all day long(rage against the machine), we are not supposed to waste electricity(rage against the PUB). Deja Vu huh!

Here's what I suggest: Get these "influential" celebrities(Hey if a few emo bands out there can influence a fraction of the generation to turn emo, they can do anything man!), knock some sense into the governments around the world that factories and deforestation is the cause of all this problems. Get the companies who are responsible to clean this shit up. And we can all save the earth a whole lot faster, because this gig feels a lot like one of those corny donation drives on TV. The celebrities can also donate more money(looking Madonna's mansion, she should) into companies that are researching anti-polluting products or anything related to that, because this concert could potentially harm the environment more!

We, as normal people, should also care more about the environment. LiveEarth is a gimmick, and it will probably harm the environment as well, heck I hope it works out and many people change their lifestyle(highly doubt it will though). But screw it, it's not like you'll care when you sleep in your air conditioned caccoons(I can proudly say this 'cause I do not use one).

PLEASE! I beg all of you! Do not remember about global warming a few days before and after LiveEarth every year. I want to stop perspiring when I sleep.

I successfully blogged. VICTORY IS MINE!(stewie)

Let's make this world a better place.